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Ramblin’ Jack Elliott @ Inn at Newport Ranch

The Inn at Newport Ranch 31502 North Highway One, Fort Bragg, CA, United States

It all starts at 6pm with Ramblin’ Jack Elliott, Angie Heimann and Will Stenberg and Erin Brazill. It’s an all ages event with small bites also available.A Benefit for the Mendocino Film Festival   Tickets on sale at the Inn at Newport Ranch

Hot Buttered Rum/Elliott Peck/2nd Hand Grass @ Inn @ Newport Ranch

The Inn at Newport Ranch 31502 North Highway One, Fort Bragg, CA, United States

Saturday June 21st celebrate the summer solstice with music from Hot Buttered Rum, Elliott Peck and 2nd Hand Grass.  The show is a benefit for the North Coast  Kelp Fest Benefit.  Tickets on sale at the Inn at Newport Ranch website


Broken Compass Bluegrass/ Erin Brazill & Brazillionaires @ Inn @ Newport Ranch

The Inn at Newport Ranch 31502 North Highway One, Fort Bragg, CA, United States

November 8th for an evening of live music from Broken Compass Bluegrass along with  Erin Brazill & Brazillionaires  The show is a benefit for the  Save the Redwoods League .  Tickets on sale at the the Inn at Newport Ranch website


Nina Gerber & Keith Grenninger/Blushin’ Roulettes@ Inn @ Newport Ranch

The Inn at Newport Ranch 31502 North Highway One, Fort Bragg, CA, United States

December 6th  will be an evening of live music and  food with at the Inn At Newport Ranch.  Music will be from Nina Gerber and Keith Grenninger plus the Blushin' Roulettes all in a benefit for the  Redwood Forest Foundation.  Tickets on sale at the the Inn at Newport Ranch website.

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