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Crow’s Nest Interpretive Center

Crows Nest South Coastal Trail, Fort Bragg Fort Bragg, CA, United States

During the Whale Festivals visit the Noyo Center's headlands facility, the Crow's Nest,  to view special marine mammal specimens, in addition to the tidepool aquarium, marine mammal exhibits, and a deck from which to watch for passing whales.  Admission is free, donation welcome

RESCHEDULED Gray Whale Counting

Crows Nest South Coastal Trail, Fort Bragg Fort Bragg, CA, United States

MOVED TO NEXT SUNDAY MARCH 23 Join Scott and Tree Mercer, founders of Mendonoma Whale and Seal Study, for gray whale counting from the deck of the Crow’s Nest and learn more about their important research.

CANCELLED Welcome Ceremony for the Whales

Crows Nest South Coastal Trail, Fort Bragg Fort Bragg, CA, United States

DUE TO WEATHER Community members, whale scientists, ocean enthusiasts will unite at the Crows Nest to greet and thank the whales for being our neighbors and recommit to being good neighbors to the whales and stewards of the ocean. Expect musical offerings, a meaningful sunset ceremony, and words of gratitude from a variety of community […]

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