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Submit your event here. All events are reviewed before they are published. We reserve the right edit your entry, and we reserve the right to not publish events.
Week of Events
Wildfire Safety Project
Wildfire Safety Project
Could your neighborhood could use a few thousand dollars for a wildfire safety project, you have until March 31 to submit an application for this year's Micro-Grant cycle. Award amounts this year are from $2,000 to $12,500, and local fire departments and districts, and the affiliated Neighborhood Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities are eligible […]
Mobile CRV Buy Back Recycling
Mobile CRV Buy Back Recycling
Redeem your CRV eligible Recyclables Monday at the Caspar Community Center. All items must have their original labels and be empty, clean, and dry. Closed from 12:00-12:30 for lunch. Info: Candswaste
Free Tax Assistance
Free Tax Assistance
Did you earn $79,000 or less last year? Do you need help filing your taxes? North Coast Opportunities’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is here to help. IRS-certified volunteers provide FREE tax preparation for eligible individuals and families, ensuring you get the refunds and credits you deserve. Appointments are filling up fast, schedule yours today […]
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Monday Night Jazz Jam
Monday Night Jazz Jam
Free jazz jam each Monday from6 to 9 at Tall Guys Brewing in Fort Bragg. Swing dance lesson start at 5
Mendo Food Network
Mendo Food Network
No one in Mendocino County should go hungry. From free Food Pantries across the county, to hot meal distributions and meal delivery programs, there are plenty of ways to get the support you need. Check out these free food resources at Mendo Food Network
Wildfire Safety Project
Wildfire Safety Project
Could your neighborhood could use a few thousand dollars for a wildfire safety project, you have until March 31 to submit an application for this year's Micro-Grant cycle. Award amounts this year are from $2,000 to $12,500, and local fire departments and districts, and the affiliated Neighborhood Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities are eligible […]
Free Tax Assistance
Free Tax Assistance
Did you earn $79,000 or less last year? Do you need help filing your taxes? North Coast Opportunities’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is here to help. IRS-certified volunteers provide FREE tax preparation for eligible individuals and families, ensuring you get the refunds and credits you deserve. Appointments are filling up fast, schedule yours today […]
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Wildfire Safety Project
Wildfire Safety Project
Could your neighborhood could use a few thousand dollars for a wildfire safety project, you have until March 31 to submit an application for this year's Micro-Grant cycle. Award amounts this year are from $2,000 to $12,500, and local fire departments and districts, and the affiliated Neighborhood Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities are eligible […]
Let’s Go For A Walk Fort Bragg
Let’s Go For A Walk Fort Bragg
Join the fun, take a walk with the Blue Zone Group at the Redwood Coast Senior Center Wednesday mornings at 8:30am. Meet at the Senior Center for the weekly Wednesday walks.
Free Tax Assistance
Free Tax Assistance
Did you earn $79,000 or less last year? Do you need help filing your taxes? North Coast Opportunities’ Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program is here to help. IRS-certified volunteers provide FREE tax preparation for eligible individuals and families, ensuring you get the refunds and credits you deserve. Appointments are filling up fast, schedule yours today […]
CRVs for Cash Redemption/Fort Bragg
CRVs for Cash Redemption/Fort Bragg
Our Lady of Good Council Catholic Church is a mobile redemption site in Fort Bragg. The site will accept CRVs for cash redemption every Wednesday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. with a brief closure from 12 p.m. to 12:30 p.m. for lunch.
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Dan Mello@ Overtime Brewing
Let’s Go For A Walk Hopland
Let’s Go For A Walk Hopland
Thursday morning the Mendocino Blue Zone Project invites you to join them for a weekly walk at the UC Hopland Research and Extension Center. The morning walks start at 7:15
Mendo Food Network
Mendo Food Network
No one in Mendocino County should go hungry. From free Food Pantries across the county, to hot meal distributions and meal delivery programs, there are plenty of ways to get the support you need. Check out these free food resources at Mendo Food Network
Wildfire Safety Project
Wildfire Safety Project
Could your neighborhood could use a few thousand dollars for a wildfire safety project, you have until March 31 to submit an application for this year's Micro-Grant cycle. Award amounts this year are from $2,000 to $12,500, and local fire departments and districts, and the affiliated Neighborhood Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities are eligible […]
Navarro Point Volunteer Day
Navarro Point Volunteer Day
Join the Mendocino Land Trust for the monthly 2nd Thursday volunteer day at Navarro Point from 10 to noon. The Land Trust relies on volunteer stewardship workdays to maintain the network of public access trails and beaches. Volunteers spend the day pulling invasive plant species, picking up garbage, maintaining the trail, and taking in the […]
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Willits Farmers Market
Willits Farmers Market
Willits Farmers Market is each Thursday from 3pm-5 or 6pm December–March 3pm-5pm; indoors at Little Lake Grange, 291 School St. April–November 3pm-6pm; outdoors at West Mendocino Ave between Muir & Main
Drop-In Knit & Crochet Group
Drop-In Knit & Crochet Group
Drop into the monthly Knit & Crochet group at the Ukiah Branch Library to work on new or ongoing projects in a supportive atmosphere with other fiber artists! Led by Friends of the Library volunteer Meri Castillo, this informal gathering meets on the second Thursday of each month from 5:30 – 7 p.m. This free […]
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
The Mendocino Theater Company presents Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery. Get your deerstalker cap on—the play’s afoot! a fast-paced comedy about everyone’s favorite detective solving his most notorious case. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson must crack the mystery of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” before a family curse dooms its newest heir. For more information […]
The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie plays at the Mendocino Theater Company during May. The Glass Menagerie is considered by many critics to be Tennessee Williams’ finest drama. Part fiction, part autobiography, it follows the story of a family displaced from their genteel agrarian past and facing the challenges of a 20th Century industrial world For more information […]
Wildfire Safety Project
Wildfire Safety Project
Could your neighborhood could use a few thousand dollars for a wildfire safety project, you have until March 31 to submit an application for this year's Micro-Grant cycle. Award amounts this year are from $2,000 to $12,500, and local fire departments and districts, and the affiliated Neighborhood Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities are eligible […]
Kids Story Time
Kids Story Time
Join the Fort Bragg Youth Librarian, Kim for stories and sing-alongs, most Fridays & Saturdays, 10:30 – 11 am. Rhyme Time Story Time is the first Friday and Saturday of the month
Lunch at the Senior Center
Lunch at the Senior Center
Five days a week the Redwood Coast Senior Center severs lunch from 11:30 to 1:15, Monday through Friday. You do NOT have to be a senior to eat lunch at the senior center, it's open to ALL - a suggested donation for over seniors aged 60 and over is $5; people aged 60 and under: […]
Safe Harbor
Safe Harbor
Tapestry Family Services in Fort Bragg is hosting a weekly group gathering for anyone who identifys as LGBTQ+ in any way and are looking for a place to share their experiences and feelings. This ongoing support group meets Fridays, from 3:30 to 4:30 for youth and 5 to 6 for adults
Chinese Brush Painting
Chinese Brush Painting
The Ukiah Library invites teens and adults to join local artist William Shi for Chinese brush painting, every second Friday of the month, from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. William Shi will introduce you to traditional Chinese brush painting, offering one-hour hands-on workshops that cover simple brush techniques, landscapes, and animal painting with ink and watercolor […]
The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie plays at the Mendocino Theater Company during May. The Glass Menagerie is considered by many critics to be Tennessee Williams’ finest drama. Part fiction, part autobiography, it follows the story of a family displaced from their genteel agrarian past and facing the challenges of a 20th Century industrial world For more information […]
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
The Mendocino Theater Company presents Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery. Get your deerstalker cap on—the play’s afoot! a fast-paced comedy about everyone’s favorite detective solving his most notorious case. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson must crack the mystery of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” before a family curse dooms its newest heir. For more information […]
Wildfire Safety Project
Wildfire Safety Project
Could your neighborhood could use a few thousand dollars for a wildfire safety project, you have until March 31 to submit an application for this year's Micro-Grant cycle. Award amounts this year are from $2,000 to $12,500, and local fire departments and districts, and the affiliated Neighborhood Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities are eligible […]
Hare Creek Volunteer Clean Up Day
Hare Creek Volunteer Clean Up Day
Join the Mendocino Land Trust for their monthly 2nd Saturday volunteer day at Hare Creek Beach from 10 to noon. Hare Creek Beach is owned and managed by Mendocino Land Trust and relies on volunteers to maintain the network of public access trails and beaches. Volunteers spend the day pulling invasive plant species, picking up […]
Nature Walks
Nature Walks
Join Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens Horticulturist Paul Ruiz-Lopez on a nature walk through the horticultural and natural areas of the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens. The main focus of each walk will vary based on the season. Plants will be the main subject of observance and discussion, but w keep an eye out for animals such […]
Kids Story Time
Kids Story Time
Join the Fort Bragg Youth Librarian, Kim for stories and sing-alongs, most Fridays & Saturdays, 10:30 – 11 am. Rhyme Time Story Time is the first Friday and Saturday of the month
Historic District Tours
Historic District Tours
Kelley House docents lead you on a beautiful and informative walking tour through the preserved-in-time 19th century town of Mendocino. Visit New England-style homes, find out why Mendocino is known as the city of water towers, admire 100-year-old roses, and marvel at how an art renaissance in the ‘60s led to the town’s preservation and […]
Book Donations
Book Donations
Are you book shelve overflowing with books? The Friends of the Fort Bragg Library take book donations on the Second Saturday of every ODD month,from noon to 3pm, in the alley to the west of the library. Contact:
Sit-N-Sew Second Saturdays at the Willits Library from 1-5 p.m. Bring your sewing project and have fun!
New Nashville West
New Nashville West
Saturday, May 10 New Nashville West will getting together for a fundraiser for the local non-profit organization, Second Chance Rescue the program that helps many low-income pet owners take the best care of their dogs. The line up for New Nashville West is Gene Parsons, Lily Parsons, Keeter Stuart, Johnny Bush & Morgan Daniel. Tickets […]
The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie
The Glass Menagerie plays at the Mendocino Theater Company during May. The Glass Menagerie is considered by many critics to be Tennessee Williams’ finest drama. Part fiction, part autobiography, it follows the story of a family displaced from their genteel agrarian past and facing the challenges of a 20th Century industrial world For more information […]
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery
The Mendocino Theater Company presents Baskerville: A Sherlock Holmes Mystery. Get your deerstalker cap on—the play’s afoot! a fast-paced comedy about everyone’s favorite detective solving his most notorious case. Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson must crack the mystery of “The Hound of the Baskervilles” before a family curse dooms its newest heir. For more information […]
Wildfire Safety Project
Wildfire Safety Project
Could your neighborhood could use a few thousand dollars for a wildfire safety project, you have until March 31 to submit an application for this year's Micro-Grant cycle. Award amounts this year are from $2,000 to $12,500, and local fire departments and districts, and the affiliated Neighborhood Fire Safe Councils and Firewise Communities are eligible […]
Mendo Food Network
Mendo Food Network
No one in Mendocino County should go hungry. From free Food Pantries across the county, to hot meal distributions and meal delivery programs, there are plenty of ways to get the support you need. Check out these free food resources at Mendo Food Network
Y’Art Sale Donations Needed
Y’Art Sale Donations Needed
The WCA Y'art Sale is coming! Consider donating your gently used art supplies to this fun event, to be held this year on May 24 and 25. You can drop off your donations at Willits Center for the Arts, Fridays, Saturdays. and Sundays between 11am to 5pm. If you need help transporting your donations,send an […]