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Tsunami Test
March 26 @ 11:00 am - 11:15 am
On March 26, at 11 am, the Office of Emergency Services will sound a North Coast Tsunami Test in Del Norte, Humboldt, and Mendocino counties. This is a drill, and will not include a test of the Tsunami sirens. The drill will involve a Mendo Alert message. The public is encouraged to practice their earthquake and tsunami plans by: IF YOU ARE IN THE TSUNAMI ZONE: practice your evacuation plan by walking out of the tsunami zone. IF YOU ARE NOT IN THE TSUNAMI ZONE: stay put! You do not need to evacuate. However, take time to think about what you would do after a damaging earthquake. Remember that dangerous tsunami waves can last a long time; up to 24-48 hours after the first wave. In a real event, do not enter the tsunami hazard area until you receive notice that it is safe to do so. There will be no EAS message to radio or TV and sirens will not be activated this year. Visit the Redwood Coast Tsunami Work Group website to check if your home or business is in a tsunami zone at the Redwood Coast Tsunami Map