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Free Shots Clinic For Needy Dogs – and more
April 4 @ 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
On Friday, April 4, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Second Chance and Animal Care Services will be hosting a canine shots clinic at the Fort Bragg Food Bank, 910 North Franklin St. Dogs belonging to low-income folks on the coast can receive free rabies, kennel cough, parvo, distemper, hepatitis, parainfluenza, and leptospirosis vaccinations and microchip identifications. They can also get free flea/tick repellent, glucosamine tablets, collars, sweaters, toys, and more. There will also be sign-ups for free nail clips, puppy shots and spay/neuter, as well as financial help with vet bills. A veterinarian will be available to consult about sick or injured dogs. Dogs must be under control on a leash with each dog having its own individual handler. Owners may bring more than one dog, but only sequentially, not simultaneously. And this service is for low-income dog owners and their companions, not for breeders with puppies they plan to sell nor as a free substitute for annual vet visits. For more information, call Second Chance at 707-964-7770.